[Download Ebook.xMjm] Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology)
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It used to be called noncompliance, and the patients themselves referred to as difficult. But regardless of the terminology, children’s reluctance or failure to commit to prescribed regimens reduces the effectiveness of treatment, often leading to additional care, higher costs, and serious, even deadly, complications. Reflecting a single, authoritative voice, the Second Edition of Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens analyzes in comprehensive clinical detail the factors that affect children’s and teens’ commitment to treatment – from developmental issues to the influence of parents, peers, and others in their orbit – and offers empirically sound guidelines for encouraging adherence. It cautions against viewing young clients as miniature grownups or scaling down adult data, advocating instead for a more nuanced understanding of the population and a collaborative relationship between practitioner and client.Critical areas of interest to clinicians and researchers in pediatrics are brought into clear focus as the book:Provides an overview of adherence rates to chronic and acute disease regimens and examines common adherence problems in children and adolescents. Details consequences of nonadherence and correlates of adherence.Critiques major adherence theories and their clinical implications.Discusses the range of adherence assessment measures.Reviews educational, behavioral and other strategies for improving adherence.Offers ways to translate research into pediatric medical adherence.This updated edition of Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens is an essential reference for anyone concerned with improving health outcomes in young people, especially clinicians, researchers, and graduate students in psychiatry as well as pediatric, clinical child, and health psychology. Books@Ovid 100 Cases for Medical Data Interpretation; 100 Cases in Acute Medicine; 100 Cases in Dermatology; 100 Cases in General Practice; 100 Cases in Orthopaedics and ... CIOMS - Council for International Organizations of Medical ... The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) is an international non-governmental non-profit organization established jointly by WHO and ... Behavioral & Mental Health (Pediatric) CS Mott Children ... C.S. Mott Childrens Hospital offers a wide range of Behavioral and Mental Health services for children adolescents young adults and their families. Guidelines for Improving Entry Into and Retention in Care ... Description: After HIV diagnosis timely entry into HIV medical care and retention in that care are essential to the provision of effective antiretroviral therapy (ART). Free nursing ceus free nurse ce - RnCeus.com ECG Strip Identification and Evaluation (5 contact hours for $20 ) Describe the conduction system of the heart. Discuss the sites of action ... A Clinical Trial to Maintain Glycemic Control in Youth ... Study Design. The Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) study was a multicenter randomized clinical trial funded by the National ... Adherence to Medication NEJM Measures of Adherence. Adherence to medication regimens has been monitored since the time of Hippocrates when the effects of various potions were recorded with ... Clinical Care ( The Psychologist in Diabetes Care ) Psychosocial Factors in Diabetes Care A comprehensive review of the psychosocial barriers to proper diabetes management is beyond the scope of this paper; 3 thus ... Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics & Psychology ... Division of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics & Psychology. Developmental-behavioral pediatricians provide evaluation and medical management of a variety of ... Psychology Internship Program - Children's National Health ... Children's National Health System offers a comprehensive internship program in child clinical and pediatric psychology to predoctoral students in psychology.
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